(NOW TAKING LATE PLEDGES) 2023 Annual - La Bataille de Kulm
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The Battle of Kulm Turned the 1813 Campaign Against Napoleon
He had just won victories at Lützen and Bautzen, and the Battle at Dresden was a terrible blow to the Allies. He wanted to follow up with a knock-out punch to the retreating Allied armies...and instead, he saw an entire corps of his army disappear....
“Can we have written anything which could have thus misled him? Fetch me your order book...show me my notes.”
-- Napoleon Ier to Marshal Berthier
"The impression made by the successes at Dresden and by Moreau's death have been wiped out; all consequences these events might have entailed are simply destroyed. Confidence grows in the camp of the Allies in proportion as it sinks with us. The Emperor is very quiet; I hardly like to write 'depressed,' but very pensive, curiously he is not irritable; the spirit of Headquarters generally bears the stamp of the time."
-- (Saxon) General von Gersdorf's diary entry August 31st, 1813
ATO's 2023 Annual, with La Bataille de Kulm inside, looks at the shattering reverse Napoleon suffered right after his triumphant defense of Dresden. An entire French corps, itself in pursuit of the retreating Allies, instead found itself trapped, and was swept from the field. It was the turning point of the Leipzig Campaign, and the Allied victory at Kulm had a great effect on their morale.

Designed by Lembit Tohver, the game comes with a full color, 22" x 34" map board and 420 colorful, die-cut counters, plus rules, charts and everything you need. Kulm serves as a good intro or entry level game to the “La Bataille” system, made popular with Clash of Arms Games and with fans all over the world. Our Annual edition also includes a deluxe-sized magazine with even more articles and interesting stories. Learn more about this intriguing battle, and the larger campaign as well.
La Bataille de Kulm and the 2023 ATO Magazine Annual from ATO
Maps - One full color 22"x34" mapsheet
Counters - 420 colorful die-cut 1/2" pieces
Rules length - 28 pages
Charts and tables - 8 pages
Complexity - Medium
Playing time - Up to 4 to 6 hours
How challenging is it solitaire? - Average
Design - Lembit Tohver
Development - Jack Polonka & Steve Rawling
Graphic Design - Charles Kilber and Mark Mahaffey